Put simply, an investigation is a systematic and detailed process of inquiry or examination with the aim of discovering facts, gathering evidence, and uncovering the truth about a particular subject, event, or situation.
Investigations can be conducted in various fields and for different purposes, such as law enforcement, scientific research, corporate compliance, and in professional investigation.
Individuals and businesses hire private investigators for a variety of reasons, typically when they need to gather information, evidence, or conduct surveillance that they cannot do themselves due to lack of time, skills, or legal authority. Private investigation generally falls into three distinct areas, Personal Matters, Business and Corporate Investigations and Legal & Civil Investigations. Resolve Legal Solutions can help with all of these areas.
The most common reasons people contact us for personal investigation are:
Resolve Legal Solutions are frequently contacted by businesses of all sizes to provide investigative services. This could be for a wide range of reasons, but commonly include:
Resolve Legal Solutions are regularly employed to investigate matters of a legal and civil nature. These cases tend to centre around detecting and proving fraud, asset tracing and support such as statement taking, witness tracing and evidence collation.